Meat Shields
Pavlov VR Team

Meat Shields's



In the VR world, there's a team called Meat Shields, Their president's courage is what truly yields, He's so brave, his mere presence inspires, The rest of the team to play like fiery fires. Their opponents quake when they see Meat Shields approach, They know that their bravery's nothing to joke, For the president leads them with a valiant heart, And his teammates follow, each playing their part. With meat and shields, they charge into the fray, Their foes are vanquished in VR each day, And all because of their fearless leader, The Meat Shields' victory is a surefire sealer.

Driftwood: Driftwood_PogChamp
Gimli: gimlitime
MIGHTY: Mightygir
Jakey: thisisdrjake







Team Season History

Date Home Score Away
Wed 5th July 7:30PM   Team Rose 29
- 18
  Meat Shields Match Page
Fri 23rd June 8:00PM   Meat Shields 28
- 23
  Bin Chickens Match Page
Sat 17th June 8:00PM   Meat Shields 6
- 30
  Horang Match Page
Sun 4th June 7:30PM   Meat Shields 11
- 30
  Oz Army 2.0 Match Page
Sun 28th May 8:00PM   Meat Shields 22
- 30
  Billabong Bogans Match Page
Sun 21st May 8:00PM   Maws n' Paws 30
- 9
  Meat Shields Match Page
Sun 7th May 8:00PM   Oz Army 2.0 30
- 10
  Meat Shields Match Page
Sat 29th April 8:00PM   Horang 29
- 25
  Meat Shields Match Page
Wed 26th April 8:00PM   Bin Chickens 23
- 18
  Meat Shields Match Page
Sun 23rd April 7:00PM   Billabong Bogans 30
- 19
  Meat Shields Match Page
Sun 16th April 8:00PM   Meat Shields 16
- 29
  Maws n' Paws Match Page
Wed 5th April 8:00PM   Meat Shields 6
- 30
  Team Rose Match Page